





AIPharm Writer Program (AWP) - Tell stories with your expertise

Manfye Goh's picture

Manfye Goh

Apr 02, 2022 . 7 min read

Manfye Goh's picture

AIPharm Writer Program (AWP) - Tell stories with your expertise

We are looking for writers to propose up-to-date content focused on health technology, the pharmaceutical industry, and the healthcare industry. If you love to write about these topics, read on!

Why become a contributor?

Publishing in AIPharm enables you to reach a broader audience and earn money through our AIPharm Writer Program (AWP). You also remain the only owner of your work and have your own author page on our website.

Reach a broader audience with your articles. We are one of the websites that focus on health technology, the pharmaceutical industry, and the healthcare industry in Malaysia. Your article will reach the niche reader that has the same interest with your stories

Here are a few things we do to ensure your articles reach the largest audience possible:

  • We have a custom domain that can help drive more traffic to your article.
  • We work closely with industry experts to ensure that the stories in AIPharm meet the distribution standards.
  • We will work with you on overcoming technical difficulties in getting the data you needed on our platform
  • We feature our best content on our distribution channel and social media
  • We send newsletters that feature stories and writers

Submission rules

Before submitting your article, there are a few essential things you need to know. Make sure you read each point well, and that you understand them, as by submitting an article to AIPharm, you are agreeing to comply with all of them.

  • You’re responsible for the content you post. This means you assume all risks related to it, including someone else’s reliance on its accuracy, or claims relating to intellectual property or other legal rights.
  • We might directly edit your content to correct basic spelling mistakes and update minimal formatting. Also, we might remove images where the source isn’t clearly stated. Copyright violation is a real thing and could happen to you. It is your responsibility to ensure you own or have a legal right to use, all content, images, and videos you include in your articles.
  • We can remove any articles you post on AIPharm for any reason.
  • If our editorial team finds one or more violations of our rules, we can remove you and all of your articles from our publication.

Remuneration and Rewards

In AIPharm, we believe that hard work pays, we are helping authors to earn some income by doing their interest. Do seek us out to ask for our remuneration plans.


How to get your article ready for publication!

We aim to strike a balance between innovating, informing, and philosophizing. We want to hear from you! But we do ask that if you are not a professional writer, you consider the following points when you prepare your article. We want to publish high-quality, professional articles that people want to read.

Please be aware that if you don’t follow our submission guidelines, your article won’t be accepted.

1. Is your story a story that needs to be told?

Before you start writing, ask yourself: is this story a story that needs to be told?

2. What is your message?

Let us know what your ”take home message“ is, right from the start. Give your piece a snappy introduction that tells us:

  • What is your novel idea?
  • Why should we care?
  • How are you going to prove your point?

Once you’ve got that out of the way, you can be as conversational as you like, but keep calling back to the central message and give us a solid conclusion.

3. What value do you deliver to your readers?

Make sure your post achieves its purpose. For instance, if your goal is to explain several concepts, ensure that these concepts are bared to their essentials, narrated in an orderly sequence, and illustrated with simple and accurate analogies.

Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes. If you can’t do it yourself, use Grammarly and then ask a friend to help you. As we are such a small team, we can’t correct every submission.

4. Check your facts

Whenever you provide a fact, if it’s not self-evident, let us know where you learned it. Tell us who your sources are and where your data originated. If we want to have a conversation we all need to be on the same page. Maybe something you say will spark a discussion, but if we want to be sure we are not at cross purposes, we need to go back to the original and read for ourselves in case we are missing a vital piece of the puzzle that makes everything you say make sense.

5. Do you have an amazing image?

A great image attracts and excites readers. That’s why all the best newspapers always display incredible pictures.

This is what you can do to add a fantastic featured image to your post:

  • Use Unsplash. Most of the content on Unsplash is released under Creative Commons CC0, which means their photos are safe to use without asking for permission — even for commercial purposes.
  • Take one yourself. Your phone is almost certainly good enough to capture a cool image of your surroundings. You might even already have an image on your phone that would make a great addition to your article.
  • Make a great graph. If your post involves data analysis, spend some time making at least one graph truly unique.

6. Where did you get your data?

It is just as critical to take into account where you got your data as it is to be careful of image copyright! Please always ensure that you have the right to collect, analyze and present the data you’re using.

7. Is your content original?

We love original content because it’s something that our audience hasn’t seen before. We want to give as much exposure to new material as possible and keep AIPharm fresh and up-to-date.

How do you submit an article?

First, email us your interest whether you decide to take one of the planned topics, or you want to propose a new article on yourself.

Please attach a brief intro on yourself, and your contact method (preferably WhatsApp), and our editorial team will approach you within 2 working days.

Our email: thedatawayschannel@gmail.com

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