The 2022 New Health Supplement Products Analysis
The health supplement market is growing in Malaysia has been growing in recent years, driven by the increasing awareness of personal health and well-being among consumers. According to MADSA (KOE 2021), the market size of the Malaysian health supplement reached RM 2.1 billion to RM 2.2 billion in 2020 and the trend is estimated to continue growing in the coming years.
To have a better understanding of the market trends and the products that are popular among consumers, this article examines health supplement product registration in the year 2022 according to the National Pharmaceutical Regulation Agency (NPRA) registry. Each health supplement product has to be registered before it can reach the consumer in the Malaysian market, so from this upstream information, we will be able to know what happened in the year 2022 such as the trend and products that are most registered in the year 2022. At the time of writing, there are a total of 3,688 types of health supplement products registered in Malaysia
The number of health supplement products registered in 2022 continues to break the record of the number of products registered in a year, increasing by 18% from 445 types of products in the year 2021 to 527 types of products registered in 2022. This trend indicates that more and more consumers are looking to use health supplements to improve their overall health and wellness.
Out of 527 supplements registered in the year 2022, 322 (61%) health supplement product types manufactured are located in Malaysia while the rest are imported products. US supplement products are the highest imported products (20%) in the newly registered health supplement. The table below shows the top 10 country and their top active ingredient in the imported products:
Out of curiosity, we further explore who is the biggest importer of products from the united states, and surprisingly it was mainly from 2 product registration holders where LAC GLOBAL BRANDS (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD. is a brand holder and Esprit Care Sdn. Bhd. is an OEM manufacturer.
There are roughly 346 active ingredients in the health supplement products registered in 2022 as compared to 333 active ingredients registered in 2021 (4% increase).
From the top 10 ingredients, we can see there is a bloom of active ingredient containing SACHA_INCHI_SEED_OIL which claim to have good control of cholesterol. After a deeper look into google Trends, we will notice that the interest in sacha inchi oil raised during April 2021 and remained at the same interest level until 2023.
So another question comes to my mind is, what are other active ingredients that have increased in the number of registration in 2022 as compared to 2021 (a.k.a trending product)?
We drive further to see which type of active ingredient is newly registered in the database by comparing the active ingredient registered in 2022 that doesn’t appear in 2021:
From the top manufacturer, Malaysian really prefer health supplement manufacture in the united stated, 4 out of 10 of the top manufacturer is from the US
In the chart, we had seen the top health supplement product registration holder in the year 2022 is Lac Global Brands, which might be due to the takeover of GNC products in Malaysia.
From the top 10 product registration holder in 2022, the amount of brand holder seems to be rising as compared to our finding in 2019 where most product is registered by OEM company. This could be a result of increasing competition in the market, as well as consumers becoming more aware of the importance of knowing the source of their products.
In conclusion, the health supplement market in Malaysia continues to grow, with a record number of products registered in 2022. The majority of these products are manufactured in Malaysia, with the United States being the highest imported country. This suggests that consumers in Malaysia are becoming more aware of the importance of personal health and well-being and are looking for products that can help them maintain a healthy lifestyle. The health supplement industry in Malaysia is expected to continue growing in the coming years, with more products and active ingredients being introduced to the local market.
We hope that this finding can help you understand the health supplement product in 2022 better and thank you for reading.
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